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Melinda Myers

Lead Consultant

(651) 252-8895

My Story

I am a teacher, mom, and full time parenting grandma! I love to skate, hike, read, learn and teach. My girls are beautiful young adults. My boys born in 2015, and 2012, keep me busy doing "all the things"! I discovered Scentsy sometime ago, yet did nothing about it. Not even a party! My hairstylist has a "Whiff Box" in her salon. It smells like heaven! I kept taking samples home to try. Finally I decided to have a party, afterall I had most of her samples at my house!!

The Scentsy values of Simplicity, Authenticity, and Generosity align well with my family's personal values. A pandemic and unemployment however, are scary things, so the decision to begin a business in May of 2020 was certainly an adventure.

In July 2021 my husband and I both contracted Covid-19. He became critically ill! We almost lost him. Now more than ever I needed my Scentsy family and my Scentsy income. Thank God I had these amazing people in my life! Currently, after 78 days in the hospital, he is recovering with us. As of March 2022 he has returned to work full time. Life is good.

Scentsy has given me friends when I needed them, the opportunity to grown in my finances, stability personal and personal development. I jumped right in with a special FREE leadership course plus many free trainings and classes, I am eternally grateful. I like owning my own family business and providing many opportunities for my little guys! Thank you for reading my story and supporting my business. May you also find joy and a Scentsational moment in your own crazy life when you visit this page.


What's warming in my home